Scheduling Policy
Students and parents should exercise great care in course selections as they can have a direct bearing on future career possibilities. Once student requests are made and finalized each spring, books are purchased and the school is staffed to accommodate those choices for the following year. If staff or facilities are limited in an area, upperclassmen will have priority in scheduling the affected courses. (Students are asked to identify alternate electives, should their primary selections become overcrowded or produce scheduling conflicts).
Students interested in specific colleges or programs should become familiar with requirement guidelines early enough to prepare for them. Check catalogs, online sources, or speak with your counselor for pertinent information.
Scheduling for the upcoming school year begins early in the spring semester. Students and their parents will be invited to evening class meetings to receive information about requesting courses for the next school year. Following these class meetings, students will meet individually with school personnel (counselors, teachers, and administrators) on designated scheduling days to request the courses for the next school year. The student’s previous coursework, career pathway, Individual Graduation Plan, diploma type, and postsecondary plans will be considered in determining future courses. Once the students select their courses, parents will be asked to sign a course request form indicating approval of the students’ choices.
Schedule changes may be requested when students pick up schedules in the summer and during the first week of school. ZHS counselors and administration will determine if a request is to be granted. Schedule requests and permitted schedule changes must be approved by a parent/guardian. Students who fail a core subject will have their schedules changed to account for re-taking the required course. If a schedule does not reflect such a change, it is the student’s responsibility to notify his/her counselor.
Grading Scale
Letter Grade Numerical Average A 100-93 B 92-85 C 84-75 D 74-67 F 66-0
Regular Classes Honors/DE Classes AP Courses A = 4.0 A = 4.5 A = 5.0 B = 3.0 B = 3.5 B = 4.0 C = 2.0 C = 2.5 C = 3.0 D = 1.0 D = 1.0 D = 1.0 F = 0 F = 0 F = 0 Honors/Advanced Placement (AP) Course Overview:
Honors courses require more independent student learning than our regular courses. Honors courses cover topics in more depth and move through material at a faster pace.
AP courses are college-level courses which can help students acquire the skills and habits necessary to be successful in college. Students will improve writing skills, sharpen problem-solving abilities, and develop time management skills, discipline, and study habits. AP Courses engage students in intense discussions, allow students to solve problems collaboratively, and help students learn to write clearly and persuasively. AP students are expected to take
Credit Recovery
During the second semester, credit recovery will be offered after school to recover credit for first semester courses not passed. Summer school is offered during the first four weeks of summer to recover credits for second semester courses not passed. Graduating seniors and students significantly behind their cohort in earned credits may be allowed to recover credits during the school day through an online program. A student may apply to take an online course through his or her counselor.