The counseling program at Zachary High School is designed to assist your child in making the most of his or her educational experience. As your child’s counselors, we are concerned about each student’s emotional well-being, academic progress, and personal and social development.
The following specific activities are offered by the counseling program at ZHS:
- Periodic classroom presentations related to positive, personal growth and development
- Individual and group counseling
- Facilitation of Parent/Teacher/Student conferences
- Provide appropriate and current information on education planning and careers
- Consultation services concerning the growth and development of students
We may contact you regarding your children for, but not limited to the following:
- Assistance needed in specific areas to help child achieve success in school
- Concern regarding your students emotional well-being or behavioral issues
- Schedule conference at the request of the teacher
- Excessive absences
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide the following services to your child or to the parent:
- Testifying in court in child-custody matters
- Providing intensive long-term counseling services when they are needed by the child
Meet the Department:
- Shae Lipscomb, Class of 2025 counselor
- Mico Cooper, Class of 2026 counselor
- Chandra Martin, Class of 2027 counselor
- Latoya Moore, Class of 2028 counselor – From the Desk of Ms. Moore